José Bayro C. | Etching

Recuperando la democracia_web_José Bayro C..jpg

Recuperando la democracia/Recovering Democracy
29 x 20.5”

About Recuperando la democracia/Recovering Democracy

Everything in the universe moves like a linear equation. It develops and evolves like a torrent over time. It is not our solar time, but a larger space where the hours and days are not the same as our daily milieu. 

As a result of this, some beings are lucky enough to pass that frequency and those instants without registering the importance of having lived for millions of years on our planet or for seconds in the vast universe. It can be so long or so short that it is only important to be aware that we are situated at a certain point on the journey. It is a beautiful thing to be able to share that evolution that continues and will never end.

Our internal self, with memories and experiences, is what nourishes our imagination. It is the door to understanding where we come from, where are we and where are we going.

"Recovering Democracy" is a limited edition etching, printed in 2019 on 100 percent cotton paper which illustrates a fragment of that journey where social equality is what facilitates the coexistence between beings. Democracy was an invention of the ancient Greeks that has transcended time.  Will it last for a long time or for just a second in this vast universe? This individual who flies to achieve peace is no more than a wish that came before Greece and after us. Is it an illusion that we seek to live in harmony in this environment that contains points of light or galaxies that fly like a gentle bird reminding us that we can transcend in peace?