Janice Schmidt | Fiber

In This House_web_Janice Schmidt.jpg

In This House - SOLD
Textile collage with vintage fabrics using overdue, felting, hand-stitching and free form machine embroidery
29.5 x 18.5”

About In This House

“In This House” transcends its elements original intention. I had been storing a hand-pieced, hand-quilted “double wedding ring” quilt my mother made 90 years ago for her hope chest. The quilt was well-worn by the sun, but it was important to use this as the base of the collage. My first step was to overdye the white quilt an indigo blue. I then added felted pieces made from old handmade wool sweaters, cashmere from a 1930’s ladies coat, worn out blue jeans, and pieces of well-loved kantha fabric—all too precious to throw away. 

This piece is one from my “Quilt Project” series where I am finally using portions of my mother’s quilt to make artworks that send a message.

The message of “In This House” both embodies and transcends this moment in time. When I first saw these statements in a yard sign, it caused me to do a double take, as in “you’re reading my mind and found the perfect words to express what I’m feeling.” It’s a declaration of where many of us stand. It’s a declaration for an individual household, yet could be a community-wide or nationwide declaration. At any rate, it’s one that I hope has the power to help heal.