Erin Keane | Encaustic + Journals
Endless Time
Photography with encaustic beeswax
25.5 x 33.5”
About Endless Time
Walking in the woods brings me back to center. It is my time to talk to the universe, ask questions and receive answers, and emerge with new ideas. The moving meditation is my form of daily transcendence, simultaneously calming and rejuvenating. In a year that felt anything but calm and rejuvenating, I spent an abundance of time in the woods. The phrase “Endless Time” echoed in my head as I logged miles and I began to envision it as an artwork. I used intentional camera movement to capture my walking motions through the forested trails and designed a painting to reflect the rhythm and cadence of Endless Time.
I believe that original artwork carries the love, energy, and emotion of the artist who created it. When I am making my art, I have deep feelings of peace and happiness, and truly believe that energy becomes a part of the artwork. I hope “Endless Time” evokes feelings of rejuvenation, vitality, and new beginnings.